Cookie Policy

In compliance with the provisions of Article 5 of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter, 'LOPD'), EUROCITY HOTELES, S.L. (hereinafter, HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD) informs you that the personal data you have provided through the completion of any electronic registration form that appears on our website, as well as any data to which HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD accesses as a result of your browsing, consultation, request, or contracting of any service or product, or any transaction or operation carried out through the HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD website, will be collected in a file whose responsible party is HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD, at its registered office at Ctra, Carcaixent-Alzira, 2 - 46740 Carcaixent (Valencia - Spain). You may exercise your right of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition to the processing of your personal data, under the terms and conditions provided in the LOPD. Failure to complete the mandatory fields that appear in any electronic registration form may result in HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD being unable to process your request.

The purposes of collecting your personal data are those specifically indicated on each of the pages where the electronic registration form appears. In relation to the personal data collected from registered users, they will be used to tailor the products and services you have requested to the preferences indicated in your registration form. In general, the personal data you provide will be used to meet your requests for information and to inform you about new activities, products, and services from HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD. In this regard, your personal data may be segmented and processed to create market profiles for advertising purposes.

In the event that you provide us with personal data of third parties, in compliance with the provisions of Article 5.4 of the LOPD, you declare that you have previously informed said persons of the content of the data provided, the origin of the data, the existence and purpose of the file containing their data, the recipients of this information, the possibility of exercising rights of access, rectification, cancellation, or opposition, as well as the identifying data of HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD, under the terms and conditions of this legal notice.

HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD undertakes to treat your personal data with absolute confidentiality, using them exclusively for the indicated purposes. HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD informs you that it has implemented the necessary technical and organizational security measures to ensure the security of your personal data and prevent its alteration, loss, unauthorized processing, and/or access, considering the state of technology, the nature of the stored data, and the risks to which they are exposed, whether from human action or the physical or natural environment. All this in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of the LOPD and Royal Decree 994/1999, of June 11, which approves the Regulation of security measures for automated files containing personal data.

These general conditions (hereinafter, the 'General Conditions') regulate the use of the Internet Web Site service (hereinafter, the 'Web Site') that HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD makes freely available to Internet users. The use of our Web Site attributes the status of user of our Web Site (hereinafter, the 'User') and implies the full and unreserved acceptance by the User of each and every one of the General Conditions in the version published by HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD at the moment the User accesses our Web Site, as well as our privacy policy and the processing of personal data. Consequently, the User must read the General Conditions carefully each time they intend to use our Web Site. Likewise, the use of the Service is also subject to all notices, regulations of use, and instructions made known to the User by HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD that complete the provisions of these General Conditions as long as they do not oppose them.

HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to its Web Site, at any time and without prior notice, to those Users who fail to comply with these General Conditions as well as the Particular Conditions that may apply. The data relating to the owner of this Web Site are: EUROCITY HOTELES, S.L. NIF B-74267105 Ctra, Carcaixent-Alzira, 2 - 46740 Carcaixent (Valencia - Spain). Registered in the Commercial Registry of Asturias, Volume 3812, Book 0, Folio 175, Sheet As-40314.


3.1 Processing of personal data
Please read our Privacy and Data Processing Policy carefully to understand our practices in this area. The Privacy and Data Processing Policy is incorporated into this Web Site by reference and is part of the General Conditions that regulate its use.


4.1. Statements of HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD and limitation of liability
This Web Site has been created in good faith by HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD with information from internal and external sources of HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD. However, it does not guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or timeliness of all the information it contains, nor, in particular, its usefulness for any specific activity by the User. Furthermore, HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD does not control or guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements when accessing our Web Site that may cause alterations in the electronic documents and files stored in your computer system. Therefore, HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD declines all responsibility for damages of any kind that may be due to the use made by Users of the Web Site and its services or contents.

HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation of its Web Site and/or its services. However, when reasonably possible, HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD will give prior notice of interruptions in the operation of our Web Site and the Services offered on it. In this context, HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD declines any responsibility for damages of any kind that may be due to the lack of availability or continuity of the operation of our Web Site and the services.

4.2. Correct use of the contents of the Web Site by the User
All the content available on the Web Site, including, but not limited to, text, graphics, logos, icons, images, audio clips, data compilations, and software, and its compilation ('Intellectual Property Content'), is the property of HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD, our sponsors, partners, or licensors and is protected by intellectual property laws. HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD declares that the industrial property rights (Trademarks, Trade Names, etc.) that appear on this Web Site are its property and/or are legitimately exploited by virtue of agreements or licenses of use, being duly protected by the existing Industrial Property regulations.

The User is obliged to use the Web Site diligently, correctly, and lawfully and, in particular, undertakes to refrain from:

(a) Removing, circumventing, or manipulating the 'copyright', trademarks, and other identifying data of the rights of HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD or its owners incorporated into the contents and/or products marketed from our Web Site, as well as the technical protection devices, digital fingerprints, or any other information mechanisms that may be contained therein.
(b) Using the contents and, in particular, the information of HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD obtained through our Web Site to send advertising, communications for direct sales purposes, or for any other commercial purpose, unsolicited messages addressed to a plurality of people.
(c) Reproducing or copying, distributing, allowing public access through any form of public communication, transforming, or modifying the contents, unless authorized by the owner of the corresponding rights or legally permitted.
(d) In general, using the contents in a manner, for purposes, or effects contrary to the law, morality, generally accepted good customs, or public order.

HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD does not grant any license or authorization of use of any kind over its industrial and intellectual property rights or over any other property or right related to its Web Site.

4.3. Procedure in case of violation of intellectual property rights

In the event that any User or a third party considers that any of the contents have been introduced into the Web Site with a violation of their intellectual property rights, they must send a notification to HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD indicating full and precise details of their data and the intellectual property rights allegedly infringed.

These conditions will be governed by Spanish law, which will apply to matters not provided for in these conditions in terms of interpretation, validity, and execution. HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD and the User, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the User's domicile for any dispute that may arise from the provision of the services subject to these General Conditions. In the event that the User's domicile is outside Spain, HOTEL CASA DEL ABAD and the User, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Valencia (Spain).